Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Im gettin sick of Club Penguin.

Alright at this point Club Penguin is really getting me mad. A lot of my other friends are complaning that they are getting banned for no reason. And acually YES its true. They are. Today me and my friends Yo Yo566 share this penguin thats over 960 days old. I have only gone on it once and when I went on, I was just sitting there and all of a sudden the connection is lost. I log back in and the penguin is banned for 24 hours. This is also happening to my other extra penguins as well. And its getting really stupid. Here are some other reasons why I am getting sick of Club Penguin:

1: What I said above, Banning Penguins for NO REASON!

2: Each time when I go on there is always big crouds falling for this thing when someone says they are giving away free items. But its not true and thats getting really annoying as well.

3: Also when I go on there is always about 5 people saying, " SEARCH ME IM FAMOUS!"

4: All people want these days is to be Famous and have rareness.

5: There have been a lot of Virus penguins going around servers and sending them things that say, " This penguin has accepted your buddy invitaion and is now your buddy!" Thats getting annoying because you dont even ask them.

6: There is always someone coming around saying, " IM A BETA, IM RARE!!!!!!!" When they are really not at all.

7: All the famous penguins are always acting so mean and saying go away! But only some.

8: Club Penguin is bringing back sooooo many of Rockhoppers items from before and other items and furniture.

9: Same parties every year. Almost no new ones. And if there are then they are stupid mostly.

10: SOOOOOOO much hacking has been going on in Blogs, Penguin accounts, Youtubes, and others.

Im not saying that im quitting Club Penguin. Dont get me wrong I still think it is fun. Its just that all those things are goin on above that are making me sick of Club Penguin. I dont want to quit. But having all of these penguins get banned for no reason and all the reasons above eagers me to quit.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey pmac. yea, cp is kinda weird sometimes and thats y i havent been on in a while. i got banned for absolutely no reason once a year ago. all i did was log on after school and it said my penguin had been banned almost 3 hours before! i was in school and cp is blocked there so i couldnt have been on it (although u can get on from miniclip) and once i saw this grl that kept on following me saying she was rich. omg cp is getting kinda weird but im not gonna quit it. i hope the chatbox returns soon! ~Tundee